Academy of the Arts, Fall Youth Theater Program, Sign Up is Wednesday, August 21, starting at 11 am.

Youth Theater Program
Sign up Date: August 7th at 11 am.
Two Productions Are Planned – a musical and a non-musical. The non-musical will go on stage first, then there will be a 20 minute intermission, and the musical will follow the second half.
Go online:
Call: 746-7606, or come into the Box Office
Sept 7th, at 10 am – Mandatory Parent/Guardian /Youth Meeting Everyone needs to attend the meeting, Parents/Guardian can leave after the first hour, and return to pick up youth at 1pm.
Fees for the program: $35 for 1st Child, $25 for each sibling.
Start date – September 10th (12 weeks) Tue & Thur from 5:00 to 7:00 pm with room for extended hours when needed and additional rehearsals. There will be no class Thanksgiving week. If available, youth and parents are encouraged to come in and help paint & decorate the stage for the show.
Show dates – December 13, 14, 15, Fri & Sat @7:30 pm, Sun @2:00 pm
Parents are expected to volunteer: a commitment from parent/guardian to help backstage during one performance and “front of house” during one performance.
Cast Party – December 15, immediately after the end of Sunday performance.
Age limit is eight to seventeen years old or senior year of high school. Class size will be limited to about 40/45 children depending on the two productions chosen.
Options for registering for the program:
- Online,, you will have to create an online account.
- Call the Art Center Box Office at 746-7606 at 10 am, or
- Come into the Box Office on the day registration opens, no emails will be accepted.
- Unless other arrangements have been made, payment is due at the time of registration.
Class tuition and fees are nonrefundable
*If you have a talent in the arts and would like to volunteer to instruct a future class call the office at 352-746-7606 to discuss this option or email [email protected]