Category: Competition

  • Art Center Camera Club Photographer Donna Dominic Wins

    Art Center Camera Club Photographer Donna Dominic Wins

    Art Center Camera Club Photographer Donna Dominic has been awarded the prestigious Judges Choice Award for her captivating images “Coming in for a Snack” and “Showing Off” at the March Photo Competition. Dominic’s winning photographs impressed the judges with their striking composition and technical excellence. “Coming in for a Snack” captures a breathtaking moment of…

  • Art Center Camera Club February Competition

    Art Center Camera Club February Competition

    Judges Choice The Art Center Camera Club held its February Competition recently. Two photographers received top honors with their works. Charlie Hatton’s photograph titled “Catching a Ride” and Dick Coffman’s photograph titled “Lofoten, Norway” were chosen Best in Show out of the 27 entrants. Charlie’s photograph was taken when he saw this leaf floating in…

  • Camera Club News & Update: 2023

    Camera Club News & Update: 2023

    The last Camera Club Competition (Oct 2023) slide show has been uploaded onto Facebook. You can watch the slideshow at: Our next camera club meeting is November 6th at 7 p.m. Our guest speaker is Gary Barr, one of the top astrophotographers in the area.Come see Heart and Soul Nebulae 7500 light years from…

  • Rules of Competition

    Competitions: Structure and Rules 1. Introduction A. The purpose of Camera Club competitions is to assist members in improving their photographic and post processing skills and to provide a forum for the display of their creative work. B.  Competitions will be conducted as frequently as the Steering Committee determines. Prior to the beginning of the…

  • Competition Dates and Themes

    Campetition Dates and Themes As in the past, the “window” for submitting photographs will be listed on the Art Center Calendar.  Please check often as dates, times, places and activity change.