Nature Coast Exhibit Prospectus

The Art Center of Citrus County Nature Coast  Gallery Exhibit Prospectus.  This exhibit is open to all Artists 18 years of age who are members and non-members.  Two-dimensional artists in any media are welcome to submit their work for this juried and judged entry exhibit.  There will be an artist’s awards presentation, and Refreshments served

Awards:  Best in Show, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place and two honorable mentions in each category, granted we have # or more entrants per category. The Art Center reserves the right to combine categories. If we do not have enough entrants, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place and two honorable mention ribbons will be awarded to the whole show.

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  1. Oil, Acrylic
  2. Water Media,Watercolor
  3. Graphics:  Pencil, Pen & Ink, Pastel, Charcoal, Scratch
  4. Mixed Media:  Collage, Wall Hangings, Constructions, Fiber Arts
  5. Photography:  Black/White, Color, Digitally Enhanced Artworks

All artwork should be presented at “Registration” ready to hang!

Entry Fees:  Two works for members $15, non-members $30; $5 each additional piece up to five maximum. Exhibitors can join at the time of Exhibit, Annual Membership Dues; Single $45, Family $60.  

Jurist:  Will be announced before each exhibit.

Exhibit Period and Drop Off, Pick Up dates:  Posted on the Art Center bulletin board and website calendar. Web address:

NOTE: Please, always check the calendar at

Submittal Terms and Conditions

  • Hanging:  Artwork maximum size in any direction shall be 48” including frame, framed or gallery wrap with painted edges, wire no less than 2” from top of frame for single point hanging, wire ends wrapped. Paintings must hang till the exhibition close date.
  • Restrictions:  Artworks shall be dated and completed within the past three years, and shall not have been accepted to a previous AC Juried Exhibition.  Artworks shall be originals; prints or reproductions are not permitted, excluding photography submittals.  Artworks shall be the original concept of the artist and shall not be produced from any published photographs, even with permission.
  • Identification:   All artwork must be identified in a secure manner with the artist’s Name, Address, Phone and Artwork Title.  Information must be clearly printed in a concise area, preferably no larger than 3”x 3” and secured to the back upper left-hand corner when viewed from the back; signatures are to be obscured.
  • Quality:  All elements and materials that make up the presentation must be in clean, pristine condition and selected to protect the useful life of the piece appropriate to the medium.  All elements must fit together properly with no untoward gaps or protrusions.  Mats, when used, must be clean and cut to precision.
  • Hanging:  Artworks maximum size in any direction shall be 48” including frame, framed or gallery wrap with painted edges, wire no less than 2” from top of frame for single point hanging, wire ends wrapped.  Paintings must hang till the exhibition close date.

All artwork should be presented at “Registration” ready to hang!

Waiver:  Due care will be taken with all artwork.  However, the Art Center of Citrus County will not be held responsible for loss and/or damage to registered and exhibited artwork.  Upon acceptance, images become the property of the AC of CC which retains the right to reproduce the images, regardless of copyright, for promotional or educational purposes only.