Tag: art exhibit
Call to Photographers: Nature Coast Photo Exhibit No.3 Jan 10 @ 10:00 am
Nature Coast Photo Exhibit Open to all Citrus County Amateur PhotographersPhoto Drop off date: January 10, 2024, between the hours of 10 am and 1 pm. Entry Fee: Art Center Members:2 photo works for $15.Non-members for $30$5.00 for each additional photoup to 5 maximum
Nature Coast Exhibit No.2 2023
Call To Artist!
Nature Coast Exhibit No.2
Art Center Visual Arts Group Scheduled to visit Appleton Museum of Art
Join the Art Center Visual Arts Group for a day at the Appleton Museum of Art. Meet at the Art Center parking lot at 9:15 am to carpool.
Call to Artist: Nature Coast Exhibit No.1
Call To Artist! Nature Coast Exhibit No. 5 Take in May 4, 10 AM – 2 PM
Call To Artist! This Wednesday, March 23, 10 AM – 2 PM
Call To Artist! Nature Coast Exhibit No. 4 Take in March 23, 10 AM – 2 PM
Tom Rogers to have showing at Art Center Theatre Lobby Gallery
Tom Rogers, an artist and graphic designer from Inverness, is scheduled for a one-man show at the Art Center of Citrus County, located at 2644 N. Annapolis Drive in Hernando, from September 17 through 29, 2021.Rogers’ work ranges from published cartoons to natural realism to fantastic otherworldly allegorical scenes reminiscent of the 16th century Dutch…