Nature Coast Exhibit No.2, 2019 Gallery Open 1-4 PM Mon-Fri.
Ted Kloski, Jeanne’s Pelican, Acrylic
JoAnne Sherburne, Wild Apples of Colrain, Oil
Sharon Harris, Time With Daddy, Acrylic
Louanne Headrick, Fallen, Watercolor
David Read, Open: Saturday 5:30 am, Photography
Cara Stickler, Through the Oaks, Acrylic
Ted Kloski, Jeanne’s Pelican, Acrylic
Sharon Harris, Time With Daddy, Acrylic
JoAnne Sherburne, Wild Apples of Colrain, Oil
Cara Stickler, Through the Oaks, Acrylic
Susan Wyant, Friday, Summer, Acrylic
David Read, Open: Saturday 5:30 am, Photography
JoAnne Sherburne, Chorus of Irises, Pastel
Louanne Headrick, Fallen, Watercolor
Barbara Dorso, A Very Wise Owl, Watercolor
Pauline Boston Reddish Egret Watercolor
Ali Graves, Just Us, India Ink
Ali Graves, Frenchtown New Jersey Bridge, India Ink
Barbara Dorso, A Burst of Fall, Watercolor
Pauline Boston, Polynesian Beauty, Watercolor
Carol Perry, Sunlion, Watercolor
Carol Perry, Magic Garden, Watercolor
David Read, Bus Stop 66, Photography
G S.Pennington, Parallels of Precision, Photography
G S.Pennington, Sea of Red, Photography
Bob Gonciarz, Florida Panther, Photography
Bob Gonciarz, See Anything You Like, Photography
Bob Gonciarz, Weekend Terrorist, Photography
Bob Gonciarz, Got Nuts, Photography
JoAnne Sherburne, Highwater of Mckethan, Pastel
Joan Dias, Play Date, Photography
Bob Gonciarz, Halloween Nightmare, Photography
Joan Dias, Lunch, Photography
Preeti Lekhra, Forever Tulips, Watercolor
Pat Brady, Steps to Heaven, Oil
Marion Savage, Enjoying the Park, Oil
Marion Savage, Waiting to Hatch, Oil
Jean Loren, Luminescence, Acrylic
Pat Brady, Moonlight Magic, Oil
Leslie White, On the Cliffs, Acrylic
Leslie White, Ocean, Acrylic
Valorie Vogel, Poppy Queen, Oil
Preeti Lekhra, Destination Unknown, Watercolor
Susan Wyant, Warm Regards, Acrylic
JoAnne Sherburne, My Hour With Dave, Oil
Susan Wyant, Remembered Faces, Acrylic
Ted Kloski, The Font, Acrylic
Cara Stickler, Sun on the Oaks, Acrylic
Acrylics, art exhibit, Art Gallery, Exhibit No. 2 2019, india ink, nature coast, Nature Coast Exhibit #2 2019, Oil, painting, Painting: Oil & Acrylic, photography